Our Story

How it all started...

Bethel Baptist Church  was born on Sunday morning, December 4th, 1955 with 13 charter members and was led by Pastor Charles W. Dodd. The first publicly announced service was held at “4th” and “B” street in Greenfield, Indiana on Sunday, December 11th, 1955.  

The first sermon preached at Bethel Baptist Church was “The Parable of the Sower.”  During the period of May to September in 1956 the church was without a permanent meeting place and met for worship in Riley Park. In September 1956 the church purchased an upholstery shop at 610 W. 6th Street for the sum of $3,500.00.  On April 22, 1957 a council of pastors and representatives from seven Independent Baptist churches met at that building to recognize the Bethel Baptist church body as a New Testament, Independent Baptist church.

Expanding the vision...

Over the next 63 years, Bethel had nine pastors and experienced God’s blessing and tremendous growth.  Those men were Raymond Ford, Billy Jack Shy, Wilbur Hurt, Billy Goolesby, Henry Stidham, Tommy Hensley Sr, Wilbur Hurt once again,
and then Pastor Randall Parker.  

Under the leadership of Pastor Parker’s 31-year ministry,
from 1988-2019, average church attendance tripled and relocated
to our current 25-acre property. It was Wednesday July 19th, 2006 that we gathered for our first service in the
new church building we now call home.

Where we are headed...

On Sunday, May 26th 2019, Bethel Baptist Church called their 10th pastor, Tommy Hensley.

Bethel Baptist Church is a church with humble beginnings and a bright future. It is comprised of people who truly understand that God has put together something special here in this place.

Surely you too would agree with the Psalmist who wrote in Psalm 118:23
“This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.”